Food Sensitivity Testing


 We provide testing for food allergies and sensitivities as an add-on service to our nutrition packages.

The Vibrant America Food Allergy Test is used to diagnose allergens.

Then, through nutrition counseling Registered Dietitian Fuad will create an individualized plan to target your areas of need.


Do You Suspect You Have a Food Allergy or Sensitivity?

The symptoms of a food allergy can vary from mild to severe or even life-threatening. It is not always possible to predict how severe symptoms will be based upon the symptoms experienced during a previous reaction.

The Food Allergy Test

We use the Vibrant America Food Allergy test. It is a simple blood test which can diagnose allergens causing food allergies or sensitivities.

The food sensitivity test panel includes 96 of the most common allergens that are consumed, including:

  • peanut

  • milk,

  • egg

  • shellfish

  • tree nuts

  • fish, corn

  • soy

  • lectin

  • wheat

  • fruits

  • vegetables

  • grains

  • legumes

  • and nightshades, amongst others.


How it Works


Step 1

Book a call with Fuad to discuss your symptoms and package options.

Step 2

Choose a package and choose the Food Sensitivity Testing add-on.

Step 3

Take the test at a location near you.

Review your test results with Fuad, and receive personalized advice with next steps to meet your health goals.

Step 4