When to Drink Protein Shakes for Weight Loss as a Female

Protein Shake for female weight loss- women adding protein powder to to mixer bottle

Are you a female wondering when to drink protein shakes for weight loss? Contrary to popular belief, protein shakes aren’t just for bodybuilders. They aren’t even reserved only for people who lift weights. But did you know that protein shakes can be an affordable and convenient tool to have while on a weight loss journey? Here’s how to use them, according to a dietitian. 

Should I Drink Protein Shakes If I'm Trying To Lose Weight?

While trying to lose weight, having a good protein powder around can be very beneficial. As long as you are staying in the proper calorie deficit to lose weight, protein shakes can’t make you gain weight.

You just need to make sure you select the right type for your goals. What do protein shakes do for females? You may be surprised to hear that they can make your life much easier while trying to lose weight, if consumed strategically. 

How To Use Protein Powder For Weight Loss

We’ve established that protein powder can be an ally for weight loss, but when should a female drink protein shakes? Here are some ideas on how to incorporate protein powder into your routine:

1. Meal Replacement

If you have trouble with portions during meals, it could be a good idea to use protein powder to make a meal replacement shake. As long as this shake is balanced with sufficient calories, protein, carbs (including some kind of fruit or vegetable), it can take the place of a meal. 

This is beneficial for people who don’t have time in the morning to make a traditional breakfast, for example, as it’s much faster to make and drink a shake. Plus, if the shake is balanced, but is lower in calories than a traditional breakfast would be, you can keep your calorie intake low enough to stay on track for weight loss without skipping meals.

2. Supplement Protein Intake

If you struggle to incorporate enough protein in your diet, getting creative with protein powder can be a great way to increase your intake. Mix a vanilla flavored protein powder with your morning oatmeal or whisk some chocolate flavored powder into plain Greek yogurt for an indulgent mousse. 

You can even get unflavored protein powder and blend it into low-protein meals like vegetable soup. Having a significant amount of protein in each of your meals has been shown to help with weight loss. 

3. Have It As a Snack

Protein breaks down slowly in the stomach and slows the rate that the stomach empties during digestion. This means it gives a feeling of fullness for longer than high fat or high carbohydrate snacks by reducing your hunger hormone ghrelin. 

So, instead of your afternoon bag of chips or late-night granola bar, try having a protein shake as a snack instead. It’s much more likely to hold you over for a longer time, which means you’re less likely to snack excessively or go overboard on portions during your meals later in the day. 

Want another pro tip? Have a protein shake before you go out to eat with a group of girlfriends. It could satisfy your appetite just enough to prevent ordering that extra dessert you didn’t plan to indulge in that night. 

Should I Sip or Down My Protein Shake?

The timing of your protein shake only matters in certain situations. For example, if you’re drinking a protein shake after a workout for recovery, it’s best that you drink the whole thing right away to get those amino acids to work on repairing your muscles as quickly as possible. 

However, if you’re using it to replace a meal, you may prefer to sip on it gradually. Drinking a breakfast shake throughout the morning may help you stay more satisfied until lunch time than if you chugged it down before leaving the house. 

Is It Better To Use Water Or Milk In Protein Shakes?

This is a matter of preference! Many people much prefer the texture and consistency of using milk. And considering most protein powders are milk-based, it just makes sense. However, if you’re not sensitive to texture or you prefer to keep your protein powder portable, water may be a more convenient choice. Especially if you are trying to cut calories wherever you can. 

Just know that milk is probably the most ideal option because, aside from an arguably better texture, milk also provides additional protein, some fat (depending on the type of milk) and nutrients like calcium. If you cannot drink milk due to sensitivities or are still worried about the extra calories, consider using unflavored, unsweetened almond milk instead. Just try to choose a brand that fortifies their almond milk with calcium. 

Types of Protein Shakes for Weight Loss

Whenever you hear the term “protein powder,” it often refers to whey, which is the most common type of protein supplement. That’s because it’s cheap, quickly absorbed by the body, and contains all of the essential amino acids you would find in high-quality protein foods like eggs and meat. 

If you do not consume animal products, however, pea and rice protein powder or soy protein powder can be a fine substitute as they have an amino acid profile similar to whey. Other plant-based powders like hemp or brown rice do not measure up as equally, unfortunately.

What to Look For In a Protein Powder

When shopping for protein powder, here is what to look out for if you’re looking to use it as a meal replacement, snack or supplement to your protein intake:

  • At least 200 calories for meal replacement, but less than 400 calories per serving. So, don’t accidentally pick up a mass gainer, which is a protein powder designed for weight gain

  • At least 20 grams of protein per serving

  • No added sugar and minimal additives and artificial ingredients

  • If choosing whey, look for whey isolate or hydrolysate, as whey concentrate has a much lower protein content in comparison

  • Look for third-party tested protein powders, when possible, as it shows the product has been tested by an unaffiliated lab for potency, purity and safety. 

How Many Protein Shakes A Day For A Woman To Lose Weight?

It is not recommended that one exceeds 3 servings of protein powder in a day. Having more than this can interfere with your ability to get protein from whole food sources. Remember, protein shakes are meant to be a supplement, not make up the majority of your diet. I always recommend a food first mentality.

The Bottom Line on When to Drink Protein Shakes for Weight Loss as a Female

No matter what your perception is, please know that there are no gender restrictions on protein shakes. In fact, considering women have a tougher time gaining and maintaining muscle mass when compared to men, females have more of an incentive to work them into their diet. 

Protein shakes can aid in balancing hunger hormones when dieting to make your weight loss journey more sustainable, can be helpful to avoid skipping meals, and can potentially prevent overeating on nights out. 

If you are in need of other methods to make weight loss easier, or need professional guidance in constructing a weight loss plan with accountability, check out my nutrition services.

Fuad Al Qudsi, RDN, CPT