Slow Metabolism Symptoms and Actions to Take

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What are some slow metabolism symptoms? Here are key things to look for, and actions to take in order to get it back to normal. 

If you suspect your metabolism may be slow, knowing the signs and symptoms can be helpful before you prematurely change your diet. Read on to see my dietitian take on what metabolism is, what a slow one looks like, and how to fix it. 

What is Metabolism?

To start, what is your metabolism? “Metabolism” is a word that gets thrown around a lot in conversations about weight. 

A more scientific word for metabolism is BMR, or basal metabolic rate, which accounts for the energy you use from calories to breathe, exercise, process food, keep your heart pumping, and more.

What Impacts BMR?

The more active your resting metabolic rate is, or the faster your metabolism is, the more calories you burn at rest. Some things that affect this number are:

  • age

  • gender

  • muscle mass

  • exercise type

  • diet

An underactive thyroid is also a common cause and requires medication prescribed by a medical professional to resolve. 

What Is Slow Metabolism?

Knowing what BMR and resting metabolic rate are, a slow metabolism would refer to what happens when your BMR starts burning fewer calories at rest or “slowing down.” The reason this happens and the extent to which it happens varies from person to person. 

Can You Lose Weight If Your Metabolism Is Slow?

When you have a slower metabolism, your body needs fewer calories to keep it running. However, if you are unaware of your metabolism slowing down and continue eating the same amount, it could lead to confusing weight gain. 

It could also make weight loss more difficult as you may need to resort to a more aggressive diet approach. This requires more commitment, guidance, and consistency than when you can burn more calories at rest. However, it is still possible to lose weight with proper guidance. 

Signs of Slow Metabolism

So, how do you know you have a slow metabolism? If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and think a slow metabolism may be the cause, it may be helpful to know the symptoms of low metabolism, so you can take action. Here are 5 key signs.

1. Weight Loss is Difficult

When your metabolism starts burning fewer calories at rest than it normally should, it may feel like it’s more difficult to lose weight using your typically effective methods.

It may also lead to weight gain as your diet, which previously was adequate to maintain your weight, may put you in a calorie surplus without your knowledge if your metabolism starts to slow down. 

2. You’re Unusually Hungry

If you’re eating consistently, but have recently found yourself feeling hungry at times you probably shouldn’t be, it can be a sign of a slow metabolism. This is especially true if you are craving sugar as it could be a sign your body is craving fast fuel because your body is not metabolizing energy from food efficiently.  

3. You’re Low on Energy

Feeling tired all the time is one of the most common signs of a slow metabolism. If you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning or nodding off at your desk in the afternoon, it could be a sign that your metabolism is running slow.

4. Your Hair and Skin are Dry

The skin is very closely related to the endocrine system and certain hormones affected by changes in the metabolism can also cause a change in skin integrity. This could result in skin becoming dry and dull if metabolism slows down. Furthermore, if the metabolism is not converting nutrients properly, your hair may not get what it needs to appear healthy. 

5. You Feel Bloated or Constipated

One big process metabolism is involved in is digestion and absorption. If your metabolism is slowing down, digestion may slow down as well which can cause malabsorption issues. This can cause you to feel bloated or constipated as a result of food not moving through your system smoothly. 

Signs of a Slow Metabolism in Females

When talking about signs of slow metabolism in females, it should be noted that women typically have a tougher time losing weight than men, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have slower metabolisms. Also, different stages of the menstrual cycle can make metabolism fluctuate which is why cravings and fatigue occur during this period. 

How Do You Fix Slow Metabolism?

If you have been dieting or exercising frequently for an extended period (3-6+ months) then your metabolism may benefit from a refeeding. This is a method of “rebooting” your metabolism by temporarily increasing your calories for a few weeks or even months. This can be approached in a proper way by working with a dietitian.

Diet and Exercise

Additionally, helping your body to burn more calories through diet and exercise can play a role. Eating a diet that is high in protein is a good start as protein burns more calories to digest than other macronutrients. 

A diet that is high in antioxidants from fruits and vegetables also makes the metabolism operate more smoothly than a diet full of processed foods, refined sugars, and saturated fat. 

Also, if you think your weight loss efforts are being made difficult by a slow metabolism, consider reassessing your method of exercise. Many seeking weight loss rely only on cardio for their calorie burn. However, science has shown that lifting weights burns far more calories at rest. So, doing a combination of both may be ideal. 

The Bottom Line on Slow Metabolism Symptoms

It is common for my clients to express frustration with putting forth so much effort to lose weight and keep it off when they are really being held back by an unconscious slowdown in their metabolism. You may have recently changed your diet and physical activity habits, or you may have an underlying medical condition causing this slowdown.

Either way, knowing the symptoms and when to take action can help give you peace of mind and bring you close to your goals. If you need some help assessing the health of your metabolism and how to adjust your diet to manage your weight even with a slow metabolism, contact me today.

Fuad Al Qudsi, RDN, CPT